Résumé de section
- Publications scientifiques
Richard-Forget F, Oswald I., 2012. Mycotoxines : quelles avancées scientifiques pour une meilleure maîtrise des risques ? Innovations Agronomiques 24, 17-33
Boutigny Al., Barreau C., Atanasova‐Penichon V., Verdal-Bonnin Mn., Pinson-Gadais, L., Richard-Forget F., 2009. Ferulic acid, an efficient inhibitor of type B trichothecene biosynthesis and tri gene expression in Fusarium liquid cultures, Mycological Research, 113: 746‐753.
Boutigny Al., Barreau C., Atanasova-Penichon V., Verdal-Bonnin Mn., Pinson-Gadais L., Richard-Forget F., 2010. Natural phenolic acids from wheat bran inhibit Fusarium culmorum trichothecene biosynthesis in vitro by repressing Tri gene expression. European Journal of Plant Pathology, DOI 10.1007.
Dalie Dkd., Deschamps Am., Richard-Forget F., 2009. Lactic acid bacteria – Potential of control of mould growth and mycotoxins: A review. Food control, 4: 370‐380.
Gourdain, E., Piraux, F., Barrier-Guillot, B., 2011. A model combining agronomic and weather factors to predict occurrence of deoxynivalenol in durum wheat kernels. World Mycotoxin Journal, May 2011; 4 (2):129-139.
Kammoun L., Gargouri S., Barreau C., Richard-Forget F., Hajlaoui M., 2010. Trichothecene chemotypes of Fusarium culmorum infected wheat in Tunisia. International Journal of Food Microbiology, DOI 10.1016.
Merhej J., Boutigny Al., Pinson-Gadais L., Richard-Forget F., Barreau C., 2010. Acidic pH during in vitro culture is determinant for TRI genes expression and trichothecenes B biosynthesis in Fusarium graminearum. Food additives contaminants, 16: 1‐8.
Orlando B., Barrier-Guillot B., Gourdain E., Maumené C., 2010. Identification of agronomic factors that influence the levels of T-2 and HT-2 toxins in barley grown in France – World Mycotoxin Journal, May 2010; 3 (2): 169-174.
Picot A., Barreau C., Pinson-Gadais L., Caron D., Lannou C., Richard-Forget F., 2010. Factors of the Fusarium verticillioides‐maize environment modulating fumonisin production. Critical Review in Microbiology, DOI 10.3109.
Ponts N., Couedelo L., Pinson-Gadais L., Verdal-Bonin Mn., Barreau C., Richard-Forget F., 2009. Fusarium response to oxidative stress by H2O2 is trichothecenes chemotype-dependant, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 293: 255‐262
- Articles techniques ou généralistes
Gourdain E., Guillou M., Gonzales-Rodriguez I., Hourcade D., Maumene C., 2011. Débris de récolte et risques de mycotoxines. Premiers résultats de recherche par PCR de Fusarium graminearum et Microdochium spp. dans les résidus de cinq grandes cultures. Phytoma n°646, septembre 2011, p.18-21.
Gourdain, E., Rosengarten, P., 2010. Blé tendre, attaques tardives de fusariose des épis et mycotoxines. Etude de l’impact des contaminations tardives par Fusarium graminearum sur blé tendre : du développement du champignon à la production de toxines associées. Phytoma n°636, août-septembre 2010. p.16-20.
Gourdain E., Lannou C., 2013. Fusariose des épis de blé. Le degré d’infection fonction de l’équilibre entre deux champignons. Perspectives Agricoles n°399 – avril 2013, p. 8-11.
Orlando B., Mathie M., Labrunie T., 2010. Ergot des céréales : quelle stratégie de nettoyage adopter pour réduire le risque ? Perspectives Agricoles n°369 – juillet août 2010, p. 8-11.
Dossier fusariotoxines des céréales – Prévenir et gérer le risque, 2010. Perspectives Agricoles n°368, juin 2010, p 21-37.
- Communications orales
Gourdain, E., Piraux, F., Barrier-Guillot, B., 2009. Les outils pour gérer le risque déoxynivalénol sur blé tendre et blé dur. Decision making tools to manage deoxynivalenol content in wheat and durum wheat. AFPP – 9th International conference on plant diseases. December 8-9, 2009. Tours, France, 408-420
- Publications scientifiques
Cardiet G., Fleurat-Lessard F., Barreau C., 2012. Fumigant toxicity of some volatile botanical substances against the wheat pest Sitophilus oryzae and two seed-born fungi, Aspergillus westerdijkiae and Fusarium graminearum. In: Navarro S, Banks HJ, Jayas DS, Bell CH, Noyes RT, Ferizli AG, Emecki M, Isikber AA, Alagusundaram K (Eds.) Poster, publication texte intégral in: Proceedings 9th International conference 2012 CAF in stored products, Antalya, Turkey October 13-18 2012, pp. 81-90.
Debourdeau G., Boutigny A.-L., Merhej J., Fleurat-Lessard F., 2012. Caractérisation de l’activité antifongique de biomolécules d’origine végétale sur les champignons mycotoxinogènes : Aspergillus westerdijkiae et Fusarium graminearum. Journée Nationale « Mycotoxines » Talence, 01/2012 (Poster, résumé publié).
Fleurat-lessard F., 2011. Monitoring for insect pest populations in grain storage: the European context. Stewart Postharvest Review (online 01 December 2011) DOI: 10.2212/spr.2011.3.5
Fleurat-Lessard, F., Dupuis, SA., 2010. Comparative analysis of upper thermal tolerance and CO2 production rate during heat shock in two different European strains of Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera : Curculionidae). Journal of Stored Products Research 46, 20-27.
Fourar-Belaifa, R., Fleurat-Lessard, F., Bouznad, Z., 2011. A systemic approach of qualitative changes in the stored wheat ecosystem: prediction of deterioration risks in unsafe storage conditions in relation to RH level, infestation by Sitophilus oryzae (L.), and variety influence. Journal of Stored Products Research 47: 48-61.
Karbache F., Mouhouche F., Fleurat-Lessard F., 2011. Repellent and insecticidal properties of whole meal or protein extracts of the bean seeds Phaseolus vulgaris L. on juvenile stages of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Journal of Stored Products Research 47: 197-203.
Mouhouche, F., Fleurat-Lessard, F., Bouznad, Z., 2009. Laboratory assessment of toxic activity of purified peptides extracted from chickpea seeds to two strains of the rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Stored Products Research 45, 261-266.
- Articles techniques ou généralistes
Binet J., Le Bras A., 2011. Ventiler pour refroidir les céréales stockées : une conduite à moduler avec le climat. Perspectives Agricoles n°374, janvier 2011, p 10-15.
Dauguet S, Le Bras, 2009. Stockage des oléagineux : réduire le risque de contaminations fortuites des graines oléagineuses par les insecticides de stockage. Perspectives Agricoles 359 : 12-14.
Fleurat-Lessard F., 2011. Compte-rendu du 10ème Congrès International d'Etudes sur la Protection des Denrées Stockées. Industries des céréales Nos 171 : 10-14 et 172 : 17-22.
Fleurat-Lessard F., 2011. Insectes et mycotoxines sous l’œil de 300 chercheurs : Echos de la 10ème Conférence Internationale d’Etudes en Protection des Produits Stockés, Estoril, Portugal. Phytoma (à paraître).
Gourdain E., Le Bras A., 2009. Qualité. Gestion des risques DON et insectes sur blé tendre au silo. Le nettoyage : dernier levier pour maîtriser le risque sanitaire. Perspectives Agricoles n°358, juillet-août, p 10-12.
Leblanc M-P., Fleurat-Lessard F., Barrier-Guillot B. Enquête nationale sur la relation entre l’état sanitaire des grains stockés et les pratiques actuelles de conduite du stockage et de protection contre les insectes. Phytoma, n° de Septembre 2011. Communication aux 2èmes Journées RAFT RMT Quasaprove Paris Juin 2011.
Leblanc, MP., Gaunt, D., Fleurat-Lessard, F., 2009. Etude du potentiel de détection directe de « formes cachées » d’insectes dans les stocks de grains par des équipements acoustiques - Intérêt de ces nouveaux outils pour la prévision et la maîtrise du « risque insecte » au cours d’un stockage. Industries des Céréales 162 (avril-mai 2009), pp. 3-10.
Le Bras A., Mathie M., 2010. Qualité. Dans les silos. Nettoyer plus pour traiter moins. Perspectives Agricoles n°368, juin, p 10-13.
Mathie M., Le Bras A. Recherche & Développement. Itinéraire raisonné du stockage pour maîtriser le risque insecte et la qualité sanitaire durant la conservation de céréales à paille. Industrie des céréales n°168 Juin/Juillet 2010, p 18-20.
Vincent, C., Weintraub, PG., Hallman, GJ., Fleurat-lessard, F., 2009. Insect management with physical methods in pre- and post-harvest situations. In: Radcliffe, EB, Hutchison, WD, Cancelado, R.E. (Eds.) Integrated Pest Management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), pp. 309-323.
- Communications orales
Dauguet , S., 2009. Cross-contamination of oilseeds by insecticide residues during storage : a two-years study in French grain silos. International European Symposium on Stored Product Protection, 25-26 mai 2009, Berlin.
Fleurat-Lessard F., Fourar-Belaifa R., Bouznad Z., 2010. Susceptibility of different wheat varieties to fungal spoilage when stored in unsafe conditions of high RH and S. oryzae (L.) infestation. Proceedings 10th IWCSPP, Estoril, Portugal JKI Berlin Publ., pp. 518-526.
Fleurat-Lessard, F., Fuzeau, B., Bezler, C., Benlafquih, R., 2009. Laboratory assessment of the influence of various structure materials on the mortality of three cereal-flour insect pest species after various exposure intervals to a temperature of 50°C. Proceedings International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC/WPRS) Conference on Integrated Protection of Stored Products. Campobasso (Italie), 29 juin–2 juillet 2009 - (sous presse).
Fleurat-Lessard, F., Fuzeau, B., Enjelvin, J-B., 2009. A rapid laboratory method for comparative assessment of heat tolerance and lethal upper temperature level for different stored-product insect species by thermo-respirometry. Proceedings International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC/WPRS) Conference on Integrated Protection of Stored Products. Campobasso (Italie), 29 juin–2 juillet 2009 - (sous presse).
Fourar-Belaifa R., Fleurat-Lessard F., Bouznad Z., 2011. A systemic approach of qualitative changes in the stored grain ecosystem: prediction of deterioration risk of different wheat varieties at high RH and Sitophilus oryzae (L.) infestation. Proceedings 10th IWCSPP, Estoril, Portugal JKI Berlin Publ., pp 111-117.
Leblanc M-P., Gaunt D., Fleurat-Lessard F., 2009. Experimental study of acoustic equipment for real-time insect detection in grain bins – Assessment of their potential for infestation risk prediction during long term storage periods. Proceedings International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC/WPRS) Conference on Integrated Protection of Stored Products. Campobasso (Italie), 29 juin–2 juillet 2009 - (sous presse).
Mathie M., Fleurat-Lessard F., 2010. Organisation d’une table ronde «Insect strains and rearing laboratories worldwide » 10ème Conférence Internationale IWCSPP d’Estoril, Portugal (25 participants)
- Publications scientifiques
Bravin M., Le Merrer B., Denaix L., Schneider A., Hinsinger P. (2010) Copper uptake kinetics in hydroponically-grown durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) as compared with soil’s ability to supply copper. Plant and Soil, 331, 91-104.
Cornu J.Y., Parat C., Schneider A., Authier L., Dauthieu M., Sappin-Didier V., Denaix L. (2009) Cadmium speciation assessed by voltammetry, ion exhange and geochemical calculation in soil solutions collected after soil rewetting. Chemosphere, 76, 502-508.
Cornu J-Y., Schneider A., Jezequel K., Denaix L. (2011) Modelling the complexation of Cd in soil solution at different temperatures using the UV-absorbance of dissolved organic matter. Geoderma, 162, 65-70.
Dauthieu M., Denaix L., Nguyen C., Panfili F., Perrot F., Potin-Gautier M. (2009) Cadmium uptake and distribution in Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to low chronic concentrations depends on plant growth. Plant and Soil, 322, 239-249.
Heroult J., Parat C., Bussiere S., Coriou C., Denaix L., Lespes G., Potin-Gautier M. (2010) Development of a fast method of mineralization for routine analysis of matrix of the agricultural production. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 74, A402-A402.
Lespes G., Marcic C., Heroult J., Le Hecho I., Denaix L. (2009) Tributyltin and triphenyltin uptake by lettuce. Journal of Environmental Management, 90, 60-69.
Panfili F., Schneider A., Vives A., Perrot F., Hubert P., Pellerin S. (2009) Cadmium uptake by durum wheat in presence of citrate. Plant and Soi,l 316, 299-309.
Parat C., Cornu J.Y., Schneider A., Authier L., Sappin-Didier V., Denaix L., Potin-Gautier M. (2009) Comparison of two experimental speciation methods with a theoretical approach to monitor free and labile Cd fractions in soil solutions. Analytica Chimica Acta, 648, 157-161.
Parat C., Schneider A., Castetbon A., Potin-Gautier M. (2011) Determination of trace metal speciation parameters by using screen-printed electrodes in stripping chronopotentiometry without deaerating. Analytica Chimica Acta, 688, 156-162.
Schneider A., Nguyen C., Denaix L. (2009) Estimation of the association and dissociation rate constants of Cd complexes with various aminopolycarboxylic acids by an exchange method. Environmental Chemistry, 6, 334-340.
Schneider A., Nguyen C. (2011) Use of an exchange method to estimate the association and dissociation rate constants of Cd complexes formed with low-molecular-weight organic acids commonly exuded by plant roots, Journal of the Environmental Quality, sous presse
Sivry Y., Riotte J., Sappin-Didier V., Munoz M., Redon P-O., Denaix L., Dupre B. (2011) Multielementary (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni) Stable Isotopic Exchange Kinetic (SIEK) Method To Characterize Polymetallic Contaminations. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(15), 6247-6253.
- Articles techniques ou généralistes
Dauguet S, Denaix L, Nguyen C., Coudure R., Barrier-Guillot B., Apports organiques : ETM : cerner les transferts du sol aux plantes, Perspectives agricoles, n° 373, décembre 2010.
- Communications orales
Zarrouk S., Bermond A., Benzina N. Denaix L. 2011, DGT measurements to model plant uptake in soils amended with sewage sludge and urban composts, 11th International Conference On
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 3-7 juillet 2011 Florence. Nguyen C., Denaix L., Bussière S., Coudure R., Héroult J.,Parat C., Potin-Gautier M., Dauguet S., 2010,
Exponential decrease in the concnetration of essential (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn) and toxic (As, Cd, Pb) trace elements in shoots during the development of field grown maize and its correlation in grain, COST Action, FA 0905 - 1st annual conference, Antalya, Turkey, 1-5 November 2010.
Cornu Jy, Poncot C, Leva Y, Ferret C, Geoffroy V, Lollier M, Lebeau T, Jezequel K. 2010. Copper solubility and phytoavailability in the rhizosphere of tomato as influenced by bacterial siderophore. COST ACTION FA 0905 - 1st annual conference, Antalya, Turkey, 1-5 November 2010.
Denaix L, Nguyen C, Héroult J, Parat C, Potin-Gautier M, Coudure R and Dauguet S 2010 Quantification Of Trace Element Fluxes (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) To Agricultural Fields Amended With Pig Slurry. In Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed, COST FA905, Antalya, Turkey, 1-5 November 2010.
Huguenot D, Bois P, Jezequel K, Norini Mp, Cornu Jy, Lebeau T. 2010. Herbicide and copper mitigation from vineyard runoff passing through a storm basin by phytoremediation-assisted bioaugmentation. IBIO - World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology, Dalian (China), July 25-27.
Kerboua F., Denaix L. Sappin-Didier V. 2011. Effects of irrigation with metal-contaminated water on soil solution speciation and metal soil-plant transfer 11th ICOBTE, Florence, July 3-7.
Laporte M A, Denaix L, Dauguet S, Flenet F, Thunot S and Nguyen C 2010 Spatial Variability Of Cadmium Absorption In Intact Roots Of Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.). In Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed, COST FA905, Antalya, Turkey, 1-5 November 2010, 2010.
Laporte M A, Denaix L, Dauguet S, Flenet F and Nguyen C 2011 Spatial variability of Cadmium absorption in intact roots of sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.). In 11th ICOBTE. Adsorption- Desorption and Transport of Trace Elements in Multicomponent Systems: Experimental Evidence and Modeling Approaches, Firenze, July, 4 2011, 2011.
Nguyen C, Denaix L, Bussière S, Coudure R, Héroult J, Lespes G, Potin-Gautier M and Dauguet S 2010 Exponential Decrease In The Concentration Of Essential (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn) And Toxic (As, Cd, Pb) Trace Elements In Shoots During The Development Of Field -Grown Maize And Its Correlation With The Concentration In The Grain. In Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed, COST FA905, Antalya, Turkey, 1-5 November 2010, 2010.
Nguyen C, Denaix L, Bussière S, Coudure R, Héroult J, Parat C, Lespes G, Potin-Gautier M and Dauguet S 2011 Dilution of As, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn concentration in shoot biomass during the growth of fieldgrown maize and the correlation with the concentration in the grain. In 11th ICOBTE, July 4- 7, 2011.Adsorption-Desorption and Transport of Trace Elements in Multicomponent Systems: Experimental Evidence and Modeling Approaches Firenze, 2011.
Sappin-Didier V, Munoz M, Sivry Y, Denaix L, Riotte J and Dupré B 2011 Cd and Zn speciation and mobility in contaminated soil: physical micro-characterization techniques and chemical extraction methods. In 11th ICOBTE, Firenze, July, 4 2011, 2011.
Secher C, Norini Mp, Lollier M, Jezequel K, Cornu Jy, Lebeau T. 2011. Quantification of the PCBdegrading bacteria Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 in a contaminated soil by a real-time PCR targeting an ITS sequence. Ecology of Soil Microorganisms, Prague, April 27 - May 1. 2011.
- Articles techniques ou généralistes
Barrier-Guillot, B., Pierre, J.-B., Denaix, L. (2012). Éléments traces métalliques. Les teneurs en cadmium des céréales difficiles à maitriser. Perspectives Agricoles (391), 25-28.
Laborde M. et Travel A., 2013. Caractérisation du risque Mycotoxique en gavage, La gazette du Palmipôle (soumis).
Travel, A., Fournier, A., Marchand, P., Venisseau, A., Le Bouquin , S., Allain, V., Thébault , A., Mahé, A., Grammont, V., Badreddine, R., Jurjanz, S., Feidt, C., Jondreville, C. Transfert de polluants organiques persistants vers l’oeuf de consommation : état des lieux, modalités et facteurs de risques., Innovations Agronomiques, 2012, 25, 313-330.
Travel, A.; Martin, C.; Lopes, E.; Skiba, F.; Métayer, J.P.; Mallet, S.; Guilloteau, P.; Albaric, O.; Guerre, P.; Bailly, J.D.; Cleva, D.; 2011. Ingestion d'aliments contaminés par plusieurs mycotoxines à faibles doses chez les dindes : effets sur la santé, les performances zootechniques, le métabolisme et l'assimilation des nutriments. TeMA - Techniques et Marches Avicoles , 19 : 10-17.