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  • Fleurat-Lessard F, Fuzeau B (2014). Impact of intensive trapping of Sitophilus oryzae with probe- or PC-traps baited by pheromone or food attractant on insect population dynamics. 9th Conference IOBC/WPRS on Integrated Protection of Stored Products, Bordeaux, France, 01-04 July 2013, communication orale (publication texte intégral) IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 98 : 105-111.

    Leblanc M-P, Fuzeau B, Fleurat-Lessard F (2014). Influence of grain storage practices or kind of structure and pesticide use on insect presence in wheat bulks after long-term storage: a multidimensional analysis. 9th Conference IOBC/WPRS on Integrated Protection of Stored Products, Bordeaux, France, 01-04 July 2013. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 98 : 403-420.

    Fleurat-Lessard F, Fuzeau B (2014). High-Temperature-Short-Time (HTST) disinfestation of wheat grain infested by Sitophilus spp. pre-emergent stages with a laboratory scale fluidized-bed. 9th Conference IOBC/WPRS on Integrated Protection of Stored Products, Bordeaux, France, 01-04 July 2013. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 98 : 213-222.

    Vacquer B, Lethuillier L, Brunel M, Fraterno R, Fleurat-Lessard F (2014). First application in France of heat disinfestation of a large wheat mill. 9th Conference IOBC/WPRS on Integrated Protection of Stored Products, Bordeaux, France, 01-04 July 2013. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 98 : 243-251.

    Dauguet S, Loison JP, Fleurat-Lessard F (2014). Occurrence and identification of insect pests found in stored sunflower- and rape-seeds in France and damage risk assessment. 9th Conference IOBC/WPRS on Integrated Protection of Stored Products, Bordeaux, France, 01-04 July 2013. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 98 : 71-74.

    Fleurat-Lessard F, Fuzeau B, Serrano B  (2014). A comparison of immediate and delayed efficacy of currently used chemical insecticides with bio-based or mineral alternative active substances for stored grain insect control. 9th Conference IOBC/WPRS on Integrated Protection of Stored Products, Bordeaux, France, 01-04 July 2013. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 98 : 355-360.

    Vancrayanest L, Frérot E, Crépon K (2014). Technical and economic analysis of pest management practices for stored wheat in 14 grain elevators in France. 9th Conference IOBC/WPRS on Integrated Protection of Stored Products, Bordeaux, France, 01-04 July 2013. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 98 : 395-402.